Meanwhile, the system realized the mechanism of developing with a procedure-oriented language ( the C language) to realize the object-oriented method and the mechanism of protecting memory access in runtime. 同时也实现了BREW体系结构提出的用面向过程的语言(C语言)实现面向对象的开发方法和运行时的内存保护机制。
X-Base PL/ SQL is a procedure-oriented database programming language that can be used in the server-side of database application development. X-BasePL/SQL是一种过程式数据库编程语言,常用于数据库服务器端应用程序的开发。
When programming with procedure-oriented language like C, traditionally, the structure analysis and design method is usually used. But, it is worthy of exploring how to combine with Object-oriented ( OO) thinking in programming in C. 运用C语言这样的面向过程语言进行程序设计时,传统上是使用结构化的分析设计方法,但是能否在C语言开发中运用面向对象的思想进行设计却是一个值得探索的问题。